The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

When I graduated in Dec. of 72, I moved to Philadelphia and taught for a while. Then I located to Chicago where I entered the business world and became a sales agent for a large international eyewear manufacturer. I did well, enjoyed the Chicago area for 8 yrs. & got to travel to Europe many times for business & pleasure. I came to FL in 1984 working with the same company. While in Chicago & upon moving to FL, I got licensed in real estate, not doing too much in that business since the other required so much of my time & diligence. In 1998 I made the switch to real estate sales & marketing full time and that's where I am today. "Hi" to all Penn State alumni. We have a strong alumni chapter in Ft Lauderdale! I'm always excited when I see a Penn State t-shirt & often stop the person to chat & give acknowledgement. It's fun!